Bridging the Gap in ESG Measurement: Stakeholder Perception

On Demand Webinar

Rigorous measurement of brand ESG efforts are essential, but often self-reported. As a result, there is an increasing credibility gap between organization’s reported efforts in “environmental, social and governance” and stakeholder perceptions of these efforts. This can result in accusations of greenwashing and more.

Clearly understanding stakeholder perceptions through the power of social data and advanced NLP is critical for organizations. This allows executives to understand perception gaps, whether their efforts are “trusted” or viewed as hype, inform ESG strategy and understand how perceptions of these efforts translate into consumer behavior and business outcomes.

“Not everyone is interested in every aspect of ESG, but everyone is interested in some aspect of it,” said Emily Podell, Senior Manager of Global Business Insights at Mattel. “They may talk about it in different ways but there is some aspect of it [ESG] that will be personal to them. For us, measuring and seeing changes over the years, and growth over the years has been really important to our teams at Mattel.”

Access our webinar by filling out the form to hear from experts at Mattel, Twitter, 3BL Media and Converseon and learn how to bridge the ESG stakeholder measurement gap.

Our guests:

– Emily Podell, Senior Manager of Global Business Insights, Mattel
– Dimitri Collins-Elder, Lead Business Development Manager, Twitter
– Brian Letts, Vice President of ESG Programs, 3BL Media, Inc.
– Brad Taylor, Senior Strategist, Converseon